Check-ins are the most powerful part of this process.

They are not only a place for you to let me know how you are getting on, but they are also a place for you to reflect

Check-ins are the most important part of this process.

Please excuse the bluntness, but if you don’t check-in then there is no way for me to help you.

You will have one to one check ins every week or every 2 weeks depending on what you entered in your sign up form.

Here’s how they work:

1. On your check-in day I will send you a reminder and a link to the check-in form

2. Fill this out, ideally within the next 24 hours

3. I will then take a look and give you your feedback within 24-48 hours depending on what you need

4. If you haven’t filled it out, I’ll send you a little nudge to remind you! But after that it’s down to you!

Check ins are there to review your progress, help you with anything you’re struggling with and make any adjustments needed to nutrition, exercise or activity targets.

They are also a chance for you to reflect on how the week has gone and keep your goal in the front of your mind.

In my opinion, this is one of the most beneficial parts of this process, and it is important to note that there is absolutely no judgement attached to them. If you have had a bad week, that is when it is even more important to check in!

You will be sent a message (via the app or Whatsapp) with the link to check in, and then your feedback will be sent to you within 24 hours after you have filled it out.

However, if you are struggling do not wait until check in to ask for help!