If you’ve made it here then first of all let me say congratulations! It means that you’re at least considering looking into Online Coaching to get your fitness and nutrition sorted once and for all.
And for that you should be immensely proud.
I know that first step is always the hardest, and I can assure you that I don’t take that lightly.
But maybe you have some questions or concerns. What IS Online Coaching? What do you get? What is the meaning of life. I don’t blame you. With so many options out there it can get confusing. So let me explain what 1:1 Online Coaching with me looks like…
what it is…
- Us working through your struggles together
- A process that is guided by you
- An iterative process
- Guidance on nutrition
- Workouts that make you stronger
- A focus on building yourself up, not punishing yourself
- Imperfect action
What it isn’t…
- Me telling you what to do
- A test that you pass or fail
- Generic meal plans
- Pointless exercises
- Endless cardio
- “Just grind harder bro”
How does it work?
Online Coaching, in a nutshell, is us working together as a team to get you to where you want to be, whatever your goal.
Here’s how it works:
1) You sign up
2) We jump on a call to discuss your goals, your struggles and so that I can get a better picture of what your life currently looks like.
3) I take the information we’ve spoken about, along with a few extra bits and get to work on creating a starting point for you. We also have another chat to solidify some realistic goals for the coming months.
4) You get started!
5) Every week we check in. This so that you can reflect on your week, and for me to find out if you’re having any struggles.
6) We work together to find solutions to anything you’re struggling with.
7) Over the weeks, we change anything that needs to be changed to keep you progressing.
8) Throughout this process you we work on helping you to understand the whys behind what we’re doing and have the support that you need.
9) At some point, you feel confident enough with your fitness and nutrition that you don’t need me anymore!
Sound good? Want to get started?
Simply click on the button below, answer a couple of simple questions and I’ll get back to you once I’ve taken a look!
Nope. Meal plans are too restrictive and don’t teach you how to put a meal together you enjoy and that aligns with your goal. We work together to get you feeling more confident with putting meals together that give you what you need and that you like.
Nope. No foods or food groups are off limits. Instead we work on balance and making conscious choices that align with your goal. Compromise, not sacrifice.
Absolutely! Working on your fitness and nutrition whilst you’re busy is a great idea because then it will seem so much easier when things quiet down. Plus there’s no reason why you can’t work on them whilst living your life. We work on there being no “on” or “off”, “all or nothing” mentality so you can enjoy occasions whilst still moving toward your goal.
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